Beam slab assemblies before testing
To develop fire-resistance design guidelines for FRP-reinforced concrete structures.
FRPs or fibre-reinforced polymers are high in
strength, lightweight and non-corrosive, and their effectiveness as
externally bonded repair materials is now widely recognized. However
because they are relatively new, and only limited work has been done on
their performance in fires, they have not been used in buildings where
fire safety is a critical design consideration.
Beam-slab assemblies after testing
Statement of Work
Conducted nine full-scale and four intermediate-scale fire-endurance
experiments on columns, slabs, and beam-slab assemblies strengthened
with carbon and/or glass FRP wraps and insulated with a specially
designed fire-protection system.
Developed numerical models to predict the fire resistance of the members, and validated them against experimental data.
The study demonstrated that:
FRP-strengthened systems that were adequately insulated achieved a minimum 4-hour fire resistance rating under service load
The insulating fire-protection systems maintained
low temperatures in the concrete and reinforcing steel, thus enabling
the concrete and steel to retain most of their ambient strength during
the fire tests
Even though the glass transition temperature of the
FRPs was exceeded, satisfactory fire resistance ratings were achieved
because the insulation stayed in place. The insulation and its proper
installation were key to protecting the structure.
Numerical models capable of predicting with sufficient accuracy the thermal effects of fire on the assemblies tested
Preliminary fire-resistance design guidelines for
FRP-strengthened concrete structural members submitted to the American
Concrete Institute (ACI) for inclusion in the ACI standards.
View of FRP-RC columns before and after fire resistance tests
Members of the Intelligent Sensing for Innovative Structures Network
(ISIS Canada) at Queen's University, Fyfe Co., and BASF Building Systems
Start/Expected Completion Dates
The project began in July 2002 and was completed in March 2007.
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